Mr. Mike Elliott


Title: Member


Committee Assignments:  coming soon....

Years Lived in District: 45

Occupation: District Manager, Burr Oak Regional Water District

Why did you choose to serve on the board?
I decided to serve on the school board for several reasons. I am heavily involved as a coach and want to continue to help ensure that all children have the best educational environment possible. Additionally, I have a strong interest in giving back to the community. By serving on the school board, I can help bridge the gap between the school and the community, ensuring that the needs and desires of the taxpayers are met.

What are you most proud of about Nelsonville-York City Schools?
The achievements of the students, both academically and in extracurricular activities, reflect the hard work and dedication of everyone involved in the district. It's inspiring to see how the school is postively impacting the lives of its students and the community.

What was your favorite subject in school and why? 
Math - I always appreciated the way Mrs. Leedy pushed us as students. She made us think about how to use numbers and equations to solve real-world problems.