Graduation Requirements Information
Ohio's graduation requirements for the classes of 2023 and beyond can be a little overwhelming. Here are links to information to help you and your student understand the requirements.
Requirements Overview - Students must meet requirements in three areas: course completion, competency, and readiness. This page has a quick description of each area - Ohio's Long-Term Graduation Requirements
Competency Alternatives - Students must earn a score of at least 684 on the ELA 2 and Algebra 1 state tests for graduation. Students will be given opportunities for retesting. This page describes testing requirements and alternative pathways for demonstrating competency that the state has outlined - Demonstrating Competency
Diploma Seals - Each student must earn 2 diploma seals for graduation. 1 seal must be a state seal, the other must be a local seal.
This page gives information about each of the 12 state seals. Click on the seal you are interested in to learn more - State Diploma Seals
This page gives information about each of the 3 local seals - Local Diploma Seals
Unlock Your Future - A website designed to help students and families understand graduation requirements. Videos and other resources to be added in the near future -