Mrs. Lacey Douglas


Title: Member


Committee Assignments:  Policy (Chair), Curriculum & Instruction (Chair),  Negotiations - Certified, OSBA - Legislative Liaison

Years Lived in District:  37

Occupation:  Nursing Professor, Ohio University, Athens 

Why did you choose to serve on the board?

"I felt like it was time to give back to my community now that my children are grown. My husband, boys, and I are all proud graduates of Nelsonville-York City Schools."

What are you most proud of about Nelsonville-York City Schools?

"The dedication and influence of our teachers, staff, employees, and community.  Everyone works hard to foster a positive educational experience for our students."

What was your favorite subject in school and why?

Biology-"Mr. Fesenmyer inspired me to seek a degree in science. His excitement in the classroom was compelling and I attribute my career in nursing to his influence."